An enthusiastic group of eight novice and aspiring exhibitors (including some welcome new faces) gathered at Glenholme Lowlines, Yarra Glen for a weekend of learning about how to prepare cattle for show. Master showman Ken Lorains, ably assisted by Jacqui Feagan and Matt Cooney, led discussion about training cattle to halter, pre-show preparation, show equipment, identification and animal health requirements for shows, fitting and care of cattle at show grounds.
The small number of participants allowed the training to be conducted in an informal interactive way with plenty of time for questions, exchange of ideas and “hands on” practice of new skills on five Lowline heifers supplied by Patricia and Gary of Glenholme Lowlines. A convivial dinner was held on Saturday evening at a nearby restaurant. A mock show (judged by Matt) was held on Sunday during which people learned about ringcraft and practised presenting a heifer to the judge.
Notes were supplied including information prepared by Julie Knight in 2015 for a previous SRPG Showing Skills Weekend; ALCA Showing of Cattle By-Law 11 Guidelines and Protocols (Version Dec 2016); and the ALCA Policy on the Use of Drugs and Surgical Alterations in Showing Cattle.
Feedback from attendees was very positive. As a result, SRPG hopes to see some new faces in the show ring at 2019 Whittlesea Agricultural Society Show in early November. Australian Lowline cattle will be the Feature Breed at this show.
Patricia Ellis
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